NCR Members Gather at RA Centre to Learn Curling
During three evenings in November, Soldier On members in the NCR got together at the RA Centre in Ottawa, ON to learn the basics of curling under the guidance of local instructors.

Retired MCpl Michele Simpson played curling 35 years ago and was excited to try it again.
“It was really tough the first time, but then muscle memory kicks in; I’m really enjoying it,” she said. Michele had participated in a few Soldier On events previously, including kayaking and dragon boating. So has Captain Mike Burt CD MA, who has been a Soldier On member for about a year.
“I believe curling is a good winter sport for Soldier On,” he said. “Taking part in this activity helped get me out of the house and build camaraderie with serving and retired CAF members. I would definitely do it again!”

Mike had previously participated in a Soldier On fly-fishing event and has applied for a future Scuba event. “I’m very glad to be a part of Soldier On. The organization has been instrumental in helping me in my recovery,” he said.
“I’m super happy to help support and expose people to the sport of curling. It’s a non-contact sport that keeps people active and you can play it at any age,” said Steve Chenier, Executive Director for CurlON, the organizing body for the sport of curling across Ontario.
Steve, who was also one of the instructors at the event, reminded participants that balance is the key to curling. On the last evening, he announced a friendly end-of-event competition where the person able to deliver their rock closest to the button won a curling broom.
Retired Sergeant Ken MacDonald was the closest and got to keep the broom he’d been practicing with. “It has been a fantastic event! It’s always fun to get together with Soldier On,” said Ken.
Thank you to the staff of the RA Centre for hosting.