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Introduction to Curling in Brandon, MB

Soldier On, in collaboration with Brandon Curling Club, will host an Introduction to Curling event in Brandon, MB on February 9 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This activity will bring together both serving and retired ill/injured CAF members, allowing participants to connect through peer support and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

This local curling event will provide an opportunity for Soldier On participants to learn basic curling techniques and strategy through instruction and coaching. Participants will learn under the guidance of a curling professional. The event will culminate in a mini 4-end game designed to be fun while practicing newly learned skills. This event is open to those with reduced mobility.

Ill/injured members will receive on-ice instruction and mentoring on curling techniques and strategy. Practice and a mini-game will provide them with the basic skills required to curl.

Assistance throughout the event will be provided courtesy of the Brandon Curling Club.

The number of Soldier On participants is limited to eight (8).

Minimum eligibility criteria
Any serving member or veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) from the Shilo and Brandon geographical area who acquired a permanent physical or mental health illness or injury while enrolled as a member of the CAF; whether attributable or not to service.

Serving Members
Medical clearance may be required by your chain of command.

Mental & Physical Requirements 
  • Participants must be able to tolerate two (2) hours of moderate paced activities.
    • Due to the busy activity schedule, applicants must have a limited requirement for rest throughout the event.
  • Participants will be required to lift or push heavy curling rocks as well as bend, throw/slide and move up and down the ice surface, without issue or being in violation of their MELs.
  • Participants will be joined with other ill/injured members and civilians, and therefore should be able to function in a social environment.
  • Equipment is included, including some adaptive equipment and wheelchair curling is possible. 
    • Warm clothing for curling and clean shoes not worn outdoors is necessary.
  • There will be individual learning with eventual breakdown into four-person teams.
    • The ice surface is sufficiently sized for social distancing during team play.
Transport and Meals
  • Participants are advised that meals and transportation will not be provided by Soldier On.
  • Participants will be required to arrange their own travel to and from the event location, travel and meals are not eligible for reimbursement for this event.
  • Participants also acknowledge that there will be no alcohol consumption allowed during the conduct of this event.
Nomination Forms must be received by Soldier On no later than the 2nd of February, 2022.
Express your interest here.

Be advised that a proof of vaccination or vaccine passport will be required at the event.

*Please note that changes to the event may be necessary should local PHM measures change.

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