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Cpl (retired) Karen Spencer

Cpl (retired) Karen Spencer

I joined the Reserves as a Medic in Halifax in 1979. I liked it so much that I joined the Regular Force in 1980 as a Medic.

I found the trade interesting since I also was a Licensed Practical Nurse. Due to several traumatic events, I had to remuster to Dental Assistant. Unfortunately, compounded by more traumatic events over the years, I was released in 1988.

I joined the Reserves as a Medic in Halifax in 1979. I liked it so much that I joined the Regular Force in 1980 as a Medic. I found the trade interesting since I also was a Licensed Practical Nurse. Due to several traumatic events, I had to remuster to Dental Assistant. Unfortunately, compounded by more traumatic events over the years, I was released in 1988.
As I was still working in healthcare in many different roles, over time, I grew more depressed. I withdrew and isolated myself from friends, family and social settings. I knew something was very wrong, but I had no idea what it was or how to help myself. I finally hit the wall and was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety and a seizure disorder. I was in a very dark, scary place and felt like I was in a box and couldn’t get out.
In 2020, I joined the OSI clinic and programs. In time, I realized that I also had to help myself. I started looking on the web for opportunities that were offered to veterans. This is how I found out about Soldier On.
I contacted my region’s coordinator and had a very encouraging discussion. I saw that Soldier On was mostly focused on physical activity by the information on the web site. Because I deal with chronic pain and felt that I was so out of shape, I was worried I couldn’t participate in anything that Soldier On had to offer. That’s when the regional coordinator told me about the Introduction to Photography Workshop, a six-week photography course. This sparked my interest; I had been very artistic but had lost that part of me.

Soldier On has helped me start to open “the box” that I have been in for years. I feel that I have more incentive to work hard with my rehab so I can physically get out there and hopefully partake in other adventures that Soldier On provides.

Read more: Karen Spencer Finds Camaraderie Through Photography

Kimberley Mann

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